Volunteer Opportunity: Become a RAB Team Parent

Help RAB stay connected to your team - become a Team Parent! We are looking for 1-2 Team Parents per team. Contact us - private message our Facebook page or send an email to mvroyalsboosterclub@gmail.com - to sign up and cover your team. We stay in touch on the SportsYou app that Mascoma currently uses with teams for communication.

What does a Team Parent do? Be our helper for these types of things:

  1. Share Team/Game Updates with us for your team so we can highlight them on social media
  2. Connect with the Coach - let us know if there are team needs we can help with, such as away game or awards night meals
  3. Senior Recognition - help us get a photo of seniors for a shout out on social media and/or set up the senior recognition signs/banners for senior game day
  4. Concession Stand shifts (if available to us) - assist in finding volunteers to staff concessions, help source donated items to sell
  5. Help with other fundraising logistics if needed

THANK YOU, and don't hesitate to let us know if you have any questions.

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We Thank Our Members:
  • the Herro family...
  • the Currier family...
  • the Ballard family...
  • the Davis family...
  • the Rogers family...
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